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The IP belongs to Starnet, and has no relation to Skype that I can find.


If possible, could you try and identify the source and target please? (either your firewall logs, or Wireshark (http://www.wireshark.org), will be able to provide the necessary details).

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The IP is on a known malicious network, so I'd strongly advise against trying to load it.

There's two possibilities for this issue, either there's adverts in the program causing a connection, or the program itself is doing such. We need to track this down, and the best way of doing this, is using a firewall (NOT your router).

Either download Wireshark from the following;


Or download a firewall such as Online Armor if you've not already got one;


Both of these will provide logs that will allow us to see the destination and source details (Wireshark will also additionally give us the packet information, so we can see why it is trying to contact the IP).

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It is weird do. I have run several times and cannot fond that IP, but while I am running it I open Skype, and MBAM shows the warning: Malwarebyte's Anti-malware has successfully blocked access to malicious IP:

I have deleted all my contacts and still the same. It happens when I sign in only.

Anything else that I can try?


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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone. I have a similar problem. Slightly different IP, but on the same network id. I also had Skype turned on.

I will send some of the Oupost Firewalls log that correlates with the timeframe of the MBAMs log to Malwarebyte support by email. I'll keep you informed :)

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