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Insurance company app blocked by MB


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We just started using MB 2 days ago so I am unfamiliar with the system, my apologies if I am missing obvious solutions. We have an insurance company app that is being blocked by the exploit protection. I added an exception via MD5 hash, but the system is still blocking it. Please advise on next steps? a

export from detections area: 

Threat name    Action taken    Category    Type    Endpoint    Location    Date
Malware.Exploit.Agent.Generic    blocked    AE    exploit    HRC-1040.mtr.private    C:\Windows\SysWOW64\vbscript.dll    2022-07-10T23:40:40Z




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On 7/10/2022 at 7:38 PM, Ray_Proper said:

We just started using MB 2 days ago so I am unfamiliar with the system

Since it seems you are using a business version,

As a business customer, if you're having issues affecting your business then I would  highly suggest you create a Business Support Ticket

This link is not for Consumer products. Creating a Business Ticket for the Consumer Product will actually take much longer to get a response as it will be re-queued to the back of the line in the Consumer Support area.

Business Support

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