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Review Time

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Huge apologies for asking a question I know must have been asked a few million times

How long can I expect a malware post review to take?

I searched forums but clearly do not understand how the search engine works - seems to give me the same nonapplicable results every time

Or maybe it's the google redirect :)

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Posting in the HJT forum with a HJT log is not the wrong place, no :)

They are just extremely busy, sometimes it could take up to 5 days to get a reply back, typically its 2-4 days though.

Just be patient, and if you haven't gotten a reply within 48 hours after your last post in your thread, you can reply back asking for a review. If you reply to yourself too much before someone has gotten a chance to take a look at your post, it can appear as though are already getting help and this is definitely a reason that your post could get over looked at first.

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I will resist the temptation to post every little new nugget of info I uncover.

If nothing else, this Police Pro has certainly caused me to discover some great new tools.

AutorunS is the coolest - though I have to admit it is a struggle with the devil not to go in there and just start whacking away. But at least now I have an idea where the problems are. Fixing them - a whole world of question marks.

Thanks again for advise

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What you could do is keep a wordpad or a notepad document and record everything you are finding, and then show that to the person that helps you if you'd like :) Its definitely a good idea to not post every new thing you find though (at least before you have a helper), because as you know now, more replies when you don't have a helper yet, looks as though you do have a helper.

Also, please refrain from further trying to fix it while you are waiting for help and when you begin getting help - this could change things and make it more difficult for your helper.

You should, if at all possible, keep your computer disconnected from the internet until you begin receiving help.

Autoruns is cool. I've used it to get my computer to startup faster with help from Exile. I didn't know it could be used to help stop nasties too, that's good to know :)

You are very welcome! good luck, you'll be in good hands! :)

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