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False positive


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VirusTotal link: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/92f89a7f57cfb89129bd2a3994b8bb76bd23def84b0404c3e0fda303e19ab593/detection
Detection name:  MachineLearning/Anomalous.96%

Hello attached file is gamelauncher. this application had already been whitelisted by you, but now I updated it and it was again detected as a false positive.


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Again I am adding the log from Malwarebytes for you. It assists in correcting your issue faster for you.

Having a signed file would go along way to keeping Malwarebytes and other vendors from detecting this again.

File: 1
MachineLearning/Anomalous.96%, C:\MALWARE TEST NO WD\GTA_ONLINE\GTA_ONLINE.EXE, No Action By User, 0, 392687, 1.0.49668, , shuriken, , 1C06DE33CB66AC489B20572AB995A8EA, 92F89A7F57CFB89129BD2A3994B8BB76BD23DEF84B0404C3E0FDA303E19AB593




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