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John A

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On my Windows 10 computer, I received a message from MB saying computer restart required, presumably after it updated to the new Beta

On restart Malwarebuytes does not start.  It will start manually but shows V4.4.10.144 and says it is up to date even though beta setting is on. 

My Windows 11 computer also did the update but it was successful.

Should I clean/reinstall?

I have logs, who should I PM them to?

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Since there is no response I have cleaned and reverted to the production version.  All good

I have another problem with, this time on my Windows 11 computer.  I tried to open Malwarebytes from the tray icon (for the first time since it updated to this new Beta) and it just disappeared and would not restart.

Tried the MB Support tool and it refused to operate with "Unable to load archive", so I couldn't get logs.

Uninstalled Malwarebytes via Windows then the Support tool operated and cleaned it. 

Reinstalled production version. All good.

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