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The new AI process may have miscategorized a safe program as malware. (??)


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I've been using Mindgems' Audiodedupe  (and their other deduplication products) for about 10 years and today, it showed up as flagged as malware.   (Malware.AI.976511434)  Using Malwarebytes for 5 years or so , is has not been flagged before.  The Audiodedupe program hasn't been updated for a couple of years, so we know there's no new code there.   I'm assuming the AI/ML process is still 'learning'  so am ignoring this as a invalid 'hit' unless anyone has information that would say there really is an issue.  

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11 minutes ago, JRinPDX said:

Again... sorry and thank you. 


I personally get no detection. The AI possibly fixed this already.

Update Malwarebytes and scan again.


Edited by Porthos
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