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Is SparkoCam safe?


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I just tried to install a program called SparkoCam on my Windows PC (from https://sparkosoft.com/sparkocam-download).  SparkoCam is a virtual webcam program that provides a great deal of flexible functionality to enhance the output of webcams.  The vendor seems to be legitimate, however when I tried to install it, Malwarebytes flagged the file C:\Program Files (x86)\SparkoCam\SparkoCamLib.dll as having "Malware Heuristic.1001".  Is this because SparkoCam wants to be able to control my camera, or is this really dangerous software?

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2 minutes ago, BradA said:

"Malware Heuristic.1001"


Do you have "Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files" enabled? It is located in Settings > Security> Scan option.

This is normally disabled by default.

In either way, Staff will look into this and get this fixed.

Thanks for reporting!

FYI. This setting is in the experimental stage.

That setting is to detect malformed files but sometimes legit files use protection that make them malformed. Malwarebytes is still tweaking the algorithms that is why it’s off by default. If you switch it on it is assumed, you are able to tell the difference between a FP and a legit detection. 

And if you keep it on, I suggest also turn off auto quarantine. Gives you the time to report FP's and not go thru the extra step to have to restore from quarantine.

Please turn off "Use expert system algorithms to identify malicious files" enabled? It is located in Settings > Security> Scan option to avoid these detections

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File for staff whitelisting


File: 1
Malware.Heuristic.1001, C:\MALWARE TEST\SPARKOCAMINSTALLER\SPARKOCAMLIB.DLL, No Action By User, 1000001, 0, 1.0.42233, 0000000000000000000003E9, dds, 01305615, F1754BBC96895EC8189B21264720F575, 4EF170C52837D7651A3D7A5A6709529C6BE14B48C5C5896AA072848235F16C68




Edited by Porthos
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