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Hello, good evening, I have come to bring a suggestion considering that many programs have an option that I miss a lot in Malwarebytes, (see the document attached).
I referring to the option to turn off the system, turn off the computer, when the whole process is finished, both, virus scanning and destruction or virus quarantine, that option doesn't exist on Malwarebytes, could you add that option of auto shut, please? I miss it a lot, and many antivirus and otherr programs like this have it.

  Thank you very much
Arturo P.N.
I wish you a happy life now and always.


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Thank you for the suggestion, I'll be sure to pass it on to the Product team for consideration.

In the meantime, just in case you were not aware, you can configure Malwarebytes to restart the system automatically for your scheduled scans when required for removing active threats; obviously that won't leave the system off, but at least it will restart the system so that any active threats that can't be removed without restarting the system will be removed.

If you have any further suggestions or requests please let us know.


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By the way, generally only the default Threat scan is required to detect most threats as it is constantly updated by the Researchers to look in all the known places where threats like to hide in addition to looking at all active processes and modules loaded into memory, startup locations, system and program folders, temp folders, common user folders where threats like to hide (for all users/accounts), as well as the registry, so performing a custom/full scan is generally not needed, meaning your scans should only generally take a matter of minutes to complete.

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  • 3 months later...
On 1/15/2021 at 7:54 PM, exile360 said:

In the meantime, just in case you were not aware, you can configure Malwarebytes to restart the system automatically for your scheduled scans when required for removing active threats

Just at programmed scans?

If make an toggle option at manual scan, would be accesible for free users too

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Yes, it's only for scheduled scans at the moment, with the use case being that a scheduled scan occurs in the background, possibly when the user is not actively using their system.

For manual scans, given how short the default threat scans tend to be, usually only requiring a matter of minutes to complete, the need for such a feature is negligible, at least in my opinion, however it has been passed on to the Product team for consideration.

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