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Outbound connection trojan/compromised detected from uTorrent web

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Recently I updated malwarebytes and turned on the web protection. I got a lot of pop ups(around 70) regarding websites bocked due to trojan and compromised. All of them were with different IP's and ports. All were outbound connections from uTorrentweb. I uninstalled uTorrent immediately but the issue is I was using uTorrent from a very long time( around 5-6) months. I usually keep the web protection off because it causes BSOD on my computer. I usually do windows defender scan and malwarebytes scan but never found any threat. I was not seeding or downloading anything from uTorrent, still got all these pop ups. Though after uninstalling uTorrent, everything is fine( no popups) but I am really afraid what problems might have occured when the web protection was off. Especially I am concerned more about outbound compromised connection.

Screenshot (250).png

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Those connections are nothing to worry about.  They happen because uTorrent is a peer-to-peer (P2P) application, meaning it connects to many different IP addresses/servers for downloading and sharing content.  Because of this, it will sometimes connect to servers that are shared by multiple websites, so while the content you're downloading may be perfectly safe, the same IP address may also be host to a known malicious website.  You can either leave things as they are and allow Malwarebytes to continue blocking the connections, or you can exclude your Bittorrent application from Web Protection by following the instructions under the Allow an application to connect to the Internet section of this support article and Malwarebytes will no longer block the connections from your Bittorrent application while still continuing to shield the rest of your system from any malicious websites and servers.

I hope that helps to set your mind at ease, and if there is anything else we might help you with please let us know.


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Thanks for replying sir. Actually I am more worried about compromised outbound connections. Most of the threads I saw on this forum are only trojan outbound connection related. Is compromised outbound connection a normal thing in case of uTorrent ? Also As I said, I wasn't downloading or seeding anything, so why uTorrent is automatically connecting to these different IPs and Ports. 

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A member of Research would have to address any specifics on any individual site, but generally a compromised site would be used to infect users through a web browser; the connections from your Bittorrent client shouldn't be able to affect your system.  As for why it is automatically connecting, I cannot say for certain but I suspect it may be due to some functionality in the application for looking up content or serving ads.  It may also be pulling up seeder/leech info on any existing torrents you've downloaded in the past if it stores a list of that info.

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Yes, you can stop worrying about it.  It poses no risk; it's just the nature of Bittorrent applications and peer-to-peer apps in general.

In the meantime, if you want to stop the connection attempts you can exit uTorrent and disable it from running on system startup (it should have an option in its settings to do so somewhere).

You may also find the information in the following support articles from uTorrent's official support site and forums informative:



They mention that some users had trouble disabling uTorrent from starting with Windows due to a feature in Windows 10 known as fast startup; instructions on disabling fast startup can be found here if you need them (if you have an SSD, I recommend disabling fast startup as it's been known to cause issues with many applications, including Malwarebytes at times, and is of little benefit if you have an SSD since your system should be capable of starting pretty quickly without fast startup).

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