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Possible false positive - hxxp:\\ssionsupre.fun


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Sorry to butt in (first time here) but I have the same problem.  Sort of.

It just started this morning and I get the notice about every five minutes from Malwarebytes.  I can't seem to find this PUPpy anywhere all throughout Chrome and with Malwarebytes to the best my old brain can figure.  A fresh upload of Chrome does nothing, a MWB scan comes up empty, and I tried AdwCleaner with no results.  I very much don't want to scrub the whole machine because it remember all the details I can't and entering everything back in is no fun...

I get the feeling I'm missing something simple and obvious but it's not coming to mind.  By the way, I did the absolute worst thing and went directly to ssionsupre.fun and it's just a typical error page, even though I know that could be deceiving.  The MWB warning keeps showing up at regular intervals, everything else seems to be a smooth as Windows allows.  Any suggestions?

Thank you ~ Sam


12262020 PUP.jpg

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Thanks Dashke, that's Cosmo.  He's always up to something!

No, not that way, but I've done about everything else to Chrome.  Did turn off sync, log out, restart, then the opposite with no luck.  I also uninstalled and download Chrome again, still nothing.

The very strange thing that occurred though was putting the machine to sleep at night, waking it up in the morning and I haven't seen that warning at all today (knock wood.)  I must have done something!  I will try your idea, don't even recognize that window but MWB has a page on it!

There are other odd problems, so I'll ask about those next!

Thanks ~ Sam

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