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My auto renew didn't happen like it was set to do. It said some nonsense that the payment method didn't work. Well that payment method works everywhere else, and has worked for Malwarebytes years previous. It's asking me to update payment method, but when I've looked at that, it's trying to charge me more money than what I pay.

I've submitted a few support tickets, but each one gives a generic, "we're too busy to fix our screw up, and who knows if we'll ever do what we're supposed to as a business"


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Support has a longer delay than normal right now and creating multiple support tickets is only going to slow down getting a response for everyone, not just you so please refrain from creating any more as it will not expedite getting your issue resolved.  In the meantime, if you provide one of your ticket numbers I can ask a member of the staff to try and expedite the issue for you.


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