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Unwanted Threat Reports


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I did not subscribe to the monthly Threat Report but it came anyway. Using the unsubscribe button on the mail I unsubscribed from the mails. One month later I get another Threat Report and I started a ticket. Now four months later I have five monthly Threat Reports, I have unsubscribed five times and started four tickets. The guys at support do not seem to know what is going on. Any ideas?


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Thank you for reporting this issue.  I don't have access to the system that sends out the emails, so the staff will have to assist you with that, however I have made a note of your case which I will be providing to the Product team so that the cause of the issue may be investigated and hopefully fixed.

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@exile360 Thanks. I noticed when clicking the unsubscribe button on the Monthly Threat Report is that it opens the my browser on https://click.malwarebytes.com/unsub_center.aspx.... and says, "Thank You! You have been unsubscribed from this publication."

Publications are not newsletters and are not listed on the notifications page for each customer so where do publications get their distribution lists? My guess is that it is an original subscriber list and hence ignores all subsequent preferences.


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@AdvancedSetup  Sure, here´s the ticket history: Ticket 2990852 on 18rh April (from Support Agent Adrian), Ticket 3105385 on 7th May (from Breaux) and Ticket 3137223 on 12th June (from Alen). I just reported the next unwanted report yesterday so no ticket number yet. My subscriber name is <redacted>.

Adrian reconnected today and said he would reach out to management to see if I could be removed from the list.





Edited by AdvancedSetup
Redacted user name
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  • Root Admin

Thank you @CharlotteSometimes

I've looked up your tickets and reviewed them. Normally this is all automated and just works. Not sure why it's not working for you so far but I've escalated it to have someone go in and manually see if they can track down why they continue to come in.

They all come in to the email used on the Helpdesk and not the one here on the forums, correct?


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@AdvancedSetup if you´re taking about the support desk, this works fine and I have had discussions with all of the Support Agents named in my last post. What doesn´t work is the "unsubscribe" button and I think this is because it is not scripted correctly and runs into a dead end when it accesses the customer´s preferences in the unsubscribe URL. On this page there is no option to unsubscribe from the monthly Threat Reports. A programming failure.

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  • Root Admin

Yes, at this point I do believe there is something wrong with the automation process at least on your account and why I've asked for someone to manually review and see if we can track it down.

I will check back later tomorrow as it's well past 2AM here and hoping someone on the team has a good answer and solution tomorrow.

Thank you and good night @CharlotteSometimes

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