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Malwarebytes and Spybot

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@ Russell2005

You can use both resident protections at the same time, as far as I know :)

I and several others on this forum actually recommend disabling TeaTimer, though, if that's what you mean by SpyBot's resident protection. You can keep it enabled still though, if you'd like.

Immunization will still work with TeaTimer disabled :)

And, just a note, when replying, please erase what the person before you said and just address them this way instead:




It just helps to keep the threads more easily readable.

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@ Russell2005

You are most welcome.

Yes, if you would like to use the paid version on more than one computer, you will need a separate license for each computer. If you purchase more than one license at a time, there are discounts :)

Each license is good for a lifetime coverage. So if you replace these computers at a future date, you would just need to uninstall it and clean Malwarebytes off of the old machine, and then you can use the license on the new machine. You would need to use MBAM clean to fully clean it off the system, and I can get you the link for that if you'd like :) If you were still going to use the old system, you could certainly just install the free version onto it after cleaning off the paid version and use the free version as an on-demand scanner :)

You can find pricing here:


I hope I wasn't confusing here, I am stressed at the moment and have had a long day so far, heh.

Good luck, and feel free to post back if you have any other questions, and I or someone else will be happy to help you!

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You can run them both together, but if Malwarebytes' detects something in a scan that it needs to remove (this includes the free version, not just the paid version), it is possible that it might be blocked from doing so by TeaTimer (Spybot's resident protection component). I generally recommend against using TeaTimer as it's a serious drain on system resources and its definitions are only updated once every couple of weeks to a month, which in my opinion isn't nearly frequent enough to keep up with the latest nastiness on the web. I do recommend Spybot still though, and I use it's Immunize function as an additional layer of protection on my own system.

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@ Exile

Thanks for jumping in here and clarifying this, and it was useful for me to read also.

@ Russell2005; I followed Exile's recommendation to disable TeaTimer when I bought MBAM pro and I haven't had any problems with the two. If you need any help disabling TeaTimer, just let us know :) It would definitely be a good idea to disable TeaTimer once you upgrade to Pro Mbam :)

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