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Differences between allowed Advanced Settings for Windows 7 and Windows 10


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I notice the two options that are disabled in your image from Windows 10 are the same two options that are disabled/grayed out in the beta on my Windows 7 system.  I suspect that perhaps they are disabled on all operating systems in the latest version.  I don't know if it's this way now, but at one time there was a setting that you could enable via a checkbox which would never actually enable (it was hard-coded in the config files to have the program ignore the option, and when you restarted Malwarebytes or restarted the PC and opened the advanced settings menu the option would be unchecked so that checking the box was only cosmetic and didn't actually change the setting).

I don't know if that's what is happening here, but it might be, especially if there was some sort of bug or conflict with the option for those particular applications/components.

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