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Why is Mac schedule scan set to every hour by default?

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Why is the Mac version of Malwarebytes default set to scan the computer every hour? Doesn't that seem excessive especially since it's activating the SSD or HDD during that time? 

I've also noticed that Malwarebytes will scan when the computer is asleep, is that normal?

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  • Staff

Hello @Sway49,

Thank you for the feedback and we will check this with our QA team if there is need to change scan frequency.

The frequency of scan can be customized by user.

Malwarebytes doesn't scan computer when it is asleep, but Malwarebytes for Mac does initiate the scan after computer boots up.


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On 8/2/2019 at 11:02 AM, Sway49 said:

I've also noticed that Malwarebytes will scan when the computer is asleep, is that normal?

There are several different sleep modes. Usually screen sleep happens first followed by low power mode. Some Macs (I believe only Laptops) can also go into hibernation mode. Not sure how MWB handles each.

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