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Phone Suddenly Went to Black Screen, then to Lock Screen Playing Ringtone

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I was doing my usual business on my phone when all of a sudden out of nowhere it makes me leave my keyboard. This happens occasionally as it sometimes needs to refresh since it's the google version, so I didn't think much of it. After that though it suddenly cut to a blank, black screen, followed by it playing what seems to be the full default ringtone, then quickly kicking me back to the lock screen. I have no idea what just happened but I'm confused and worried. I did a scan with the scanner, full scan, nothing showed up. Same amount of files as the last from hours ago, and the same amount of apps. Then when I checked recent apps something looks out of place. Google's package installer apparently was used the exact same moment it happened YouTube behind it, and a Wifi manager that's hard set into the phone preinstalled that I can't remove just after it, even though I disabled it as best as possible (I use data because of this. Is it possible that I somehow got something while having YouTube open in the background, as malicious ads are everywhere on the site and app nowadays, or the preinstalled wifi manager software got compromised? Or am I just chasing horses instead of Zebras?

Some things to note:
- The phone is a tad bit outdated. There hasn't been a software update in over a year for it. Even using the search in settings crashes it at this point.
-I always keep my phone's cache cleared, and keep most apps (mainly big ones like games) on an SD card so I have the best performance possible. Bit tedious to keep moving them back when they have an update, though.
-This is the first time this has ever happened to me with any phone, so this is a brand new issue.

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10 hours ago, YodbAd8bAdboY said:

I'm having same issue..

I just tried to search if someone has it too... Please help.... 

Hi @YodbAd8bAdboY,

If you could send in an Apps Report, I can look further into this issue for you.

To send an Apps Report with Malwarebytes for Android use the following instructions.

  1. Open the Malwarebytes for Android app.
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Your apps.
  4. Tap three lines icon in upper right corner.
  5. Tap Send to support

Choose an email app to send Apps Report.

Your email app will open with the Apps Report included.

At this point, it would be very helpful to mention you are submitting via recommendation from the Malwarebytes forum.  This allows our support staff to know where to direct it.

By sending the Apps Report, you will create a ticket in our support system.

Private Message (PM) me the email used and/or the ticket number assigned.


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Thanks for the response... I downloaded the app and there's no malware found... Hmmm it started when this YouTube recently asking for update... But I didn't take the update cause I don't feel like I needed to.. Then while I'm watching a video on it.. Usually I watching on multi window so that I can continue doing faucets on chrome... Then suddenly YouTube starts to pop up a not responding message but I tap wait because it doesn't really unresponsive at all... Then it started my phone to be blank black screen... I thought the power button is broken or something I accidentally press but it's not... But I think Chrome has the problem I just recently updated it too... I still having it without YouTube... I already disable most of my android apps for making sure it's not the Ram..

But Maybe I just needed to throw this phone... 😂

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