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C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe wifi virus

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The Fixlist(4).txt is listed in the same folder as FRST64 (2).txt

The reason I think that the File Fixlist is not found may be because it was open in Notepad at the time.

Do not open it, just run the Farbar program and run the fix.

If that fails rename the Fixlist(4).txt to Fixlist.txt and run the Fix again.

Post the Fixlog.txt and let me know what problem persists.


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Do you still need this service. It's reported as faulty application in your Addition.txt logs.
genietimelineservice.exe is a process belonging to GenieTimelineService, a versioning tool that keeps backups of your files as they are produced so you can always restore a current version.

Download and Reinstall if needed.

Your logs are clean.

What problem is persisting?

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Is the genietimeline gone now or do I need to reinstall to fix it? The problem that persists has to do somehow with the firestick. Even when not using it seems to eat up all the bandwidth. I have to disable it with nighthawk or netgear genie in order to watch netflix. I had other pop-ups that came up after the last fix that I posted as screen grabs because I did not know that would impact the fix or if they called out the problem. The genie was part of that. I also had the same pop-ups related to the name of this post but could not get a screen grab


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one other issue I had last night and don't know if it is related was that I got the notice that a program was running when I tried to shut down.On the task manager I found the Malwarebytes tray application 32 bit. I closed it and went to shutdown again and had another program running. Nothing showed on the task manager but the symbol shown with the message was a black square with a hand and a finger on the black square. I figure that was a touchpad symbol


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Is the genietimeline gone now or do I need to reinstall to fix it?
I did not touch it. If you have problems with it as reported in the addition.txt log reinstall it.

 The problem that persists has to do somehow with the firestick.
This is the first time you quote Firestick I do not see it in your logs. 

If it's causing problem fix it or delete it.

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It's probably installed by 
Reported in the Addition.txt

As the installed program it's
NETGEAR Genie (HKLM-x32\...\NETGEAR Genie) (Version: - NETGEAR Inc.)

2016-12-18 08:38 - 2016-12-18 08:38 - 000671744 _____ (Genie9) [File not signed] C:\Program Files\NETGEAR\ReadySHARE Vault\GenieTimelineService.exe
Description: Faulting application name: GenieTimelineService.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5856675f

From th FRT log.
(Genie9) [File not signed] C:\Program Files\NETGEAR\ReadySHARE Vault\GenieTimeLineAgent.exe
(Genie9) [File not signed] C:\Program Files\NETGEAR\ReadySHARE Vault\GenieTimelineService.e
R2 GenieTimelineService; C:\Program Files\NETGEAR\ReadySHARE Vault\GenieTimelineService.exe [671744 2016-12-18] (Genie9) [File not signed]

For now Disable Genie 

CTRL+ALT+DEL keys, select the Task Manager

Right Click on the program and bold and select disable.
NETGEAR Genie (HKLM-x32\...\NETGEAR Genie) (Version: - NETGEAR Inc.)

Restart the computer normally.

How is now?

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I did not disable genie or netgear because they are already blocked by windows defender as I explained and posted the screen grabs.

Should I hold on to roguekiller?

My restarts are still being prevented by Malwarebytes tray application (32 bit)

i will follow the link for clearing cookies. At last start-up I got a different google asking for which user


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