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If you download the Deploy.zip from this project:


Then malwarebytes identifies it as a machine learning thread. This is a code indexing tool, I work on developing it, all the code everything is available, there is nothing malicious.

(The same goes for the original version which you can get from here: https://sourceforge.net/p/codexcavator/wiki/Home/  )

Please see if there is a way to avoid this false positive?

Thank you.

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This was detected by our MachineLearning engine, which helps to protect even better against 0day threats. Unfortunately, as this is a heuristic engine, it's possible False Positives happen. Also see here for more explanation:

However, I can't reproduce detection anymore, so this might have been fixed already.

If it's still detected on your end, then Quit malwarebytes from the systemtray. Then navigate to the following folder:


In there, locate the file HubbleCache and delete it.

Restart Malwarebytes again. A new Hubblecache will then be created again, so it will properly pick it up and remember to not detect this anymore.

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Normally, it propagates immediately, but for some users, where the detection was happening already, it might still show as detected. I think it has to do with the ISP and if it does proxycaching as well. In either way, any user who didn't have a detection already on these won't get it either. (Hence why I couldn't reproduce detection on my end either)

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