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Do The MalwareBytes Researchers have uploaded the files to online scanners?

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Hi i am interested if the researchers have virustotal pages (list of malwares archive , etc) because i am looking at a few old malwares from 2013 - 2015 too far ex : installflashplayer.exe

I have a small question?Here we can talk about malware requests?

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Not that I know of unfortunately as the primary focus of Malwarebytes is generally on the latest threats still found in the wild/still infecting/attacking systems, not on long dead/inactive samples and threats.  The sharing of samples is against the rules here unless you are a member of one of the authorized groups with access (downloads of attachments in the Research Center where samples are uploaded for analysis and addition to Malwarebytes' threat databases are prevented unless you are a member of one of those authorized groups).

If you are an independent threat researcher familiar with the safe handling of malware and the means to hunt down new unknown samples then you might consider participating in sample submission in the Malwarebytes Research Center and once you have submitted enough new/previously unknown samples they will make you a member of the Malware Hunters group and will be granted access to download the samples submitted by others.  It is done this way to protect users who are here for help from accidentally downloading and infecting themselves with any of the threats submitted to Research for detection.

I hope that answers your questions, and if there is anything else we might assist you with please don't hesitate to let us know.


Edited by exile360
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Thanks but about this little think :


possible flash player fake

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Ok,i am looking at this backdoor so i spent 2 years to search or to ask the researchers to get this sample.P.S. I am not sure if Mbam Forums accept malware requests...

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If you are asking if Malwarebytes supplies malware samples to the general public.  The answer is no.

However there is a quid pro quo for those who submit quality malware samples inline with the provided submission guidelines.    If the submissions are quality, Malwarebytes personnel, who are Malware Researchers, may choose to elevate that member to "Malware Hunters" status.  Once a member is in the group Malware Hunters, the member can then download samples that other members have submitted.


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I understand now i hope i will not ask for reports for that file.What about master of pup?Is classified as researcher or hunter?I don't know so much about this.

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