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Scan Results Woefully Anemic


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The scan results window is nearly useless.  Although it does show the user what has been detected it is impossible to view the full content of each column without opening another program.  This is only possible if the threat name and/or the length of the threat location are extremely short.  Users cannot see exactly what has been detected unless they export the item to a text file or copy the info to the clipboard and then paste them into another program.

For Malwarebytes not to have the ability to display the full results of each column in a window is unbelievable.  If users want to investigate potential threats further, MWB makes them jump through hoops to see their names and locations.  The only way anyone can see them now, without exporting them, is to have an extremely wide monitor and to expand each column in the window to their maximum width.  This is unacceptable.

Having a "show details" button or having a |right click option| that would allow users to see the full contents of each column for an item, without having to leave the program, would be a SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT.  I urge you to strongly consider this suggestion for a future rev - hopefully sooner rather than later.  Thanks.

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While I agree that it could be better, I don't think any kind of 'show details' option is a solution as filenames and paths can still be extremely long.  In my opinion the solution would be for the columns to actually behave like proper columns do in other applications (including Windows Explorer, Task Manager and countless others) where you can easily set the column width to that of the longest item in the list with a double-click rather than having to awkwardly drag each column out to the right by hand to the desired length.  That would provide an easy way to see the full details of all detections without having to invent some additional UI element (which itself would no doubt suffer from the same issues given the fact that the lengths of the items could still exceed the available space in any additional hypothetical dialog/window).

Edited by exile360
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