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Malwarebytes detects a Ransomware connection while using VM VirtualBox

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Hi @,

Since some days ago, I always get some alerts whils using Oracle VM VirtualBox reg ardind a supposed ransomware. (Please find screenshot below)

The thing is if I scan my computer with Malwarebytes , it doesn't find anything...

Is that something I should care about or is this just an IP blacklisted by Malwarebytes ?

Thank you for your support.



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Hello, Welcome to Malwarebytes.
I'm nasdaq and will be helping you.

If you can please print this topic it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps in the order listed.

Are yiou trying to contact this IP Address?

I suspect that these notices from MBAM are seen in your System Tray.

Check the Notifications settings.
Change the setting Show Malwarebytes Notifications to Off


How is it now?

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Well, I was aware that disabling notification would make the message disapear, thank you very much for that great advice ;)

In fact, I wanted to know if that was possible that a Ransomware would use VM Virtualbox to make my system vulnerable. 

Or is that IP just blacklisted by Malwarebytes because maybe a Ransomware was related to this IP in the past ?

Thank you anyways for your reply.

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