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Pause and Resume Scan


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It would be nice to have a pause and resume feature in MB. Last night I kicked off a full scan and after 9 hours it had not completed and I needed to reboot my system thus it was necessary for me to close MB. I just looked at MB and it does not seem to know anything about the scan therefore I need to rerun the total scan. It would be nice if there was an option to "pause for reboot" the scan and after a reboot I could resume the scan.

Along a similar line in the options I can currently set the time of day I want a scan to start but I cannot set a window of time. Example, I want a full scan to start on Monday at 0300 hours. If the scan has not finished by 0800 it goes into a pause state until the next day and at 0300 it resumes. It would continue this cycle until the scan was completed. If the system is rebooted anytime before the scan is competed it would be able to resume the scan at 0300.

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It would be nice to have a pause and resume feature in MB. Last night I kicked off a full scan and after 9 hours it had not completed and I needed to reboot my system thus it was necessary for me to close MB.

On my copy of MBAM, there is a Pause button on the scan, as well as a Stop button. When I hit Pause, the button turns to Resume. I don't normally use it, but when I have, it has worked fine.

I share noknojon's surprise that even a full scan would take anything like 9 hours. On my system, a full scan usually takes about an hour. And according to Malwarebytes, normally a quick scan is sufficient.

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It would be nice to have a pause and resume feature in MB. Last night I kicked off a full scan and after 9 hours it had not completed and I needed to reboot my system thus it was necessary for me to close MB. I just looked at MB and it does not seem to know anything about the scan therefore I need to rerun the total scan. It would be nice if there was an option to "pause for reboot" the scan and after a reboot I could resume the scan.

I don't think any program currently out there has this capability unless I've just missed it. I think that would take a lot of additional coding and I don't believe you would want to reboot while doing a scan because infected files could be created or registry values inserted at boot. Doesn't seem like a logical, feasible request.

Along a similar line in the options I can currently set the time of day I want a scan to start but I cannot set a window of time. Example, I want a full scan to start on Monday at 0300 hours. If the scan has not finished by 0800 it goes into a pause state until the next day and at 0300 it resumes. It would continue this cycle until the scan was completed. If the system is rebooted anytime before the scan is competed it would be able to resume the scan at 0300.

Again, this seems to be asking for a lot. I'm not knocking you but this would seem to take a lot of additional coding. I don't know about you or anyone else, but I hate bloated programs. MBAM is nice and light and I'd like to keep it that way.

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If your computer is infected and they show up during the scanning process, using the Abort Scan ( before scan is completed) and then following the prompts, the "Scan results" window will open and there will be the same options as if the scan was completed.( Remove Seleted, Ignore, Exit, etc.)

If no infections are found and using the Abort Scan option, it will produce a zero infection log.

Closing/Exit MBAM during a scan has one prompt window option "A scan is in progress-Are you sure you want to close MBAM? Yes/No buttons" pressing Yes will stop all MBAM processes and close. (no log is produced/no reboot needed)

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