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KSM connection broker?


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Remove this program in bold via the Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
Teoma Media Search App (HKLM-x32\...\{41525332-2D54-4D47-00A7-A758B70C2F04}) (Version: - APN, LLC)

Please download the attached Fixlist.txt file to  the same folder where the Farbar tool is running from.
The location is listed in the 3rd line of the FRST.txt log you have submitted.

Run FRST and click Fix only once and wait.

The tool will create a log (Fixlog.txt) please post it to your reply.

If not already done please run the Malwarebytes and delete all the items found.

Restart the computer normally.

Let me know what problem persists.


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Is this computer normally used by someone in the house, or is it a space unit.


  • Download & SAVE to your Desktop Download RogueKiller
  • Quit all programs that you may have started.
  • Please disconnect any USB or external drives from the computer before you run this scan!
  • For Vista or above, right-click the program file and select "Run as Administrator"
  • Accept the user agreements.
  • Execute the scan and wait until it has finished.
  • If a Windows opens to explain what [PUM's] are, read about it.
  • Click the RoguKiller icon on your taksbar to return to the report.
  • Click open the Report
  • Click Export TXT button
  • Save the file as ReportRogue.txt
  • Click the Remove button to delete the items in RED  
  • Click Finish and close the program.
  • Locate the ReportRogue.txt file on your Desktop and copy/paste the contents in your next.

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