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Malwarebytes fails to start requires restart

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Hello, Welcome to Malwarebytes.
I'm nasdaq and will be helping you.

If you can please print this topic it will make it easier for you to follow the instructions and complete all of the necessary steps in the order listed.

Nothing suspicious was found on your logs.

Try this.

Download and run the Malwarebytes Cleanup Utility

When completed restart the computer normally to reset the registry.

Reinstall the Malwarebytes and scan the computer. Remove all the entries that will be found.


How is it now?

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Hey nasdaq,

I did find some adware "PUP.Adware.Heuristic".  There is also a scaling issue with malwarebytes, I've posted on the support forum about this but I was concerned it might be a symptom of an infection.

Should I go ahead and clean that adware? Log is below, not sure how I picked that up...maybe with ccleaner.

Oh the cleanup utility link doesn't work for me, it asks for employee login.


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Yes it's not required.

It it returns lets see what we can find in the Registry.

Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) - Registry Search
Follow the instructions below to download and execute a Registry search on your system with FRST, and provide the log in your next reply.

  • Right-click on the executable and select Run as Administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users);
  • Accept the disclaimer by clicking on Yes, and FRST will then do a back-up of your Registry which should take a few seconds;
  • In the Search text area, copy and paste the following:

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Sorry my formatting with not correct.

Lets see what we can find in the Registry.

Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FRST) - Registry Search
Follow the instructions below to download and execute a Registry search on your system with FRST, and provide the log in your next reply.

  • Right-click on the executable and select Run as Administrator (for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 users);
  • Accept the disclaimer by clicking on Yes, and FRST will then do a back-up of your Registry which should take a few seconds;
  • In the Search text area, copy and paste the following:


  • Once done, click on the Search Registry button and wait for FRST to finish the search;
  • On completion, a log will open in Notepad. Copy and paste its content in your next reply;

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Well it found 1 entry, what does this mean to you exactly?


Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (x64) Version: 23.08.2018
Ran by BB (26-08-2018 13:26:59)
Running from C:\Users\BB\Desktop
Boot Mode: Normal

================== Search Registry: "8fa2c331-e09e-5709-bc74-c59df61f0c7e" ===========


====== End of Search ======

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Nothing to worry about. This fix will remove it.

Copy all the text IN THE QUOTE BOX below to notepad. Save it as fixme.reg to your desktop.
Be sure the "Save as" type is set to "all files" Once you have saved Right click the .reg file and allow it to merge with the registry.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Restart the computer when completed.

You can delete the fixme.reg file when done.

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Thanks Nasdaq,

I appreciate the assistance, is there anything else you noticed that I should be aware of?

I just got done cleaning up a really bad hack on this machine, the DNS got hijacked, and someone got into my email accounts.  So I'm just a bit anxious about security.....


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If all is well.

To learn more about how to protect yourself while on the internet read this little guide best security practices keep safe.

Simple and easy ways to keep your computer safe and secure on the Internet.

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  • Root Admin

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