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Build Information

Malwarebytes version:

Component package version: 1.0.374

Update package version: 1.0.5629

The Issue

Since updating to 3.5.x, I have noticed that after a day or so of uptime, the Malwarebytes Service uses between 15%-25% of CPU. This did not happen prior to the 3.5.x branch.


Restarting the system resolves the issue, for a short time.

Reinstalling using the MBAM removal tool did not resolve this issue.

Any software/system changes?


Possible cause

1. I have five Chrome tabs permanently open in the background. One of these is rtorrent. 

2. I have mIRC running in the background.

Both of the above were running before the update.


All machines have Malwarebytes 3.5.1 installed and are as follows:

1. Main workstation where this issue occurs, Windows 10 1803

2. Supermicro server, no issue (even with 24 HDDs & 2 SSDs running, as well as an outgoing server)

3. Two old HP "microservers". Old AMD-based machines where Malwarebytes runs well.



This was taken as I am writing this post. Not only does Chrome have 21 tabs open, but a 4K YouTube video is playing less CPU resources are used. 


Thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to any suggestions to rectify this problem.


Edited by PiersJ
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Thanks for posting in the Malwarebytes 3 Help forum.


If you are having technical issues with our Windows product, please do the following: 


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  • Click the Advanced Options link
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  • Click the Gather Logs button
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You can open the zip file and look at what's inside. There's no identifying information other than usernames or filenames, but if you're concerned, you can private message me the logs directly.

As for your issue at hand, can you try disabling Ransomware Protection to see if that helps performance at all? We've identified some issues with that module that we are making fixes for currently.

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9 hours ago, dcollins said:

You can open the zip file and look at what's inside. There's no identifying information other than usernames or filenames, but if you're concerned, you can private message me the logs directly.

As for your issue at hand, can you try disabling Ransomware Protection to see if that helps performance at all? We've identified some issues with that module that we are making fixes for currently.

I attempted to disable Web Protection, Exploit Protection, Malware Protection, and Ransomware Protection. I have tried disabling in order, as well as disabling all features. The MBAM (or whatever it's supposed to be called) service continued to use up to approximately 25% (21% at time of the initial post).

I have attached the logs. 


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2 hours ago, dcollins said:

Thanks @PiersJ. I don't initially see anything jumping out, however it does look like another diagnostic utility failed to run named FRST, which is strange.

Out of curiosity, does this happen consistently, or perhaps only when a scan is running?

Thank you for looking at the logs, Devin.

1.  I'm not aware of FRST, although a Google search shows an application for Windows XP up to 8. I even viewed a video of FRST in action - I've never seen it before.

2. This happens whenever the PC is on for more than an hour or so. I checked whilst writing this reply and the process is at 31%, although has now reduced down to 7%. 

Edited by PiersJ
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Can you please download the following zip file, and the next time you notice a high CPU usage, follow the details below?

  1. Download and extract Procdump.zip
  2. Wait for high CPU usage from mbamservice
  3. Once it happens, right click on 5 - mbamservice_memory.bat and choose Run as administrator
  4. A black window should come up and eventually go away
  5. Zip the .dmp file that can be found in the same folder as the batch file, and attach it in your reply
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It looks like Ransomware Protection has been attached to something for a long time, which may be what we're seeing. Can you try installing the beta version to see if it helps at all, since it has some improvements to Ransomware Protection? You can do this by going to Settings -> Application, and scrolling down until you see the Beta Opt In option. Turn on the option, then scroll up and click "Install Application Updates". Once the update completes, use your computer as normal.

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On 7/9/2018 at 3:27 PM, dcollins said:

It looks like Ransomware Protection has been attached to something for a long time, which may be what we're seeing. Can you try installing the beta version to see if it helps at all, since it has some improvements to Ransomware Protection? You can do this by going to Settings -> Application, and scrolling down until you see the Beta Opt In option. Turn on the option, then scroll up and click "Install Application Updates". Once the update completes, use your computer as normal.

The warning is concerning, but I understand why it exists. I do have backups of most files, but I'd rather not backup the four drives on this workstation just for a beta update. The notice also states that no support will be given for beta client users.

How stable is the existing beta?

When is the expected release into the current branch?

Finally, which process has the ransomware module been attached to? 

Thank you for your help so far.

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On 7/16/2018 at 3:38 PM, dcollins said:

The beta was actually promoted to the release last Monday, you can install by going to Settings -> Applications and click Install Application Updates.

My version, even after a reset, still shows no update (it's on 

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