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Some of my endpoints have trouble reporting. They'll report offline and not scan, especially with Windows 10, but not ONLY Windows 10. Also happens on Windows 7 and 8. Brand new computer, scans fine for 2 days or so. These are the errors from the Event Log.

I don't know what to do at this point. Uninstall and reinstall works some times, but sometimes works for days, sometimes only hours. 





Edited by chloe_
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As a stop-gap measure, try running the below script on the endpoint. We do this on our own endpoints when they happen to drop off.

START /WAIT net stop "MBEndpointAgent">nul 2>&1
timeout /T 3 /nobreak>nul
sc config "MBEndpointAgent" start= delayed-auto
START /WAIT net start "MBEndpointAgent">nul 2>&1

This stops the agent and restarts it with a delayed start which I believe is being pushed aside during Windows boot up. The agent only controls the GUI and communication with the Cloud Portal and won't interfere with active protection, the engine. Though I believe updates is handled by the agent as well though I don't know that for certain having it start a few seconds later won't interfere with it running and updating.

Edited by Kalrand
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Hi there @chloe_, the middle event there with ARW is normal, that comes up when exclusions you have set are attempted to be applied to the ARW module, if the path does not exist on that machine it will "fail" to clear, then later "fail" to apply. The first one and the last one look to be related. Are you behind a Sonicwall?

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It has to do with the cert the appliance is using when the program tries to connect to the backend.

Download this certificate package - https://malwarebytes.app.box.com/s/lhd76bqvur0gqtr2sfs30safdjjjtm9f

Import the certificates for Malwarebytes to the Sonicwall so that it serves the correct one for the handshake when the application tries to dial out - https://www.sonicwall.com/en-us/support/knowledge-base/170505885674291

Following that, make sure the external access URL's from this KB - https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1652 - are allowed past Sonicwall's Content Filter  - https://www.sonicwall.com/en-us/support/knowledge-base/170505604252027


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