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Nags daily to update, I finally do, installer doesn't even work?

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Lately MBAM has become more obnoxious popping up nag boxes to upgrade.
If I clicked "no" to this 14 days in a row, why would I will click "yes" on day 15?

But putting that aside for a second, I was informed that a new version needs to be downloaded and installed.

In other programs this happens seamlessly. In MBAM, I click 'agree and install', it attempts a fresh installation of the whole program, and immediately I get a long error about "could not overwrite mbam.exe"... now, I'm aware of what's happening, it doesn't have permission to shut down and overwrite the main MBAM process, which is currently running. I know enough about computers to deal with it. But a lot of people will just be confused, my parents or grandparents won't know what that error means or what do with it, so they won't upgrade. After being around 12 years, how do you not predict this obvious problem with the installation, and figure out a way to ensure it doesn't happen, instead of just leaving the user to click ok to a confusing error dialogue with no further hints?

Maybe this is a lot of complaining to do for a free product, but if you want any hope of getting money from me, I have to know the program will not be intrusive, and that updates will go 100% smoothly, otherwise it's worth what I'm currently paying.

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The installer actually should account for this and handles this in the background (shutting down mbam.exe if it's running, then launching a new one once the installation is completed).

If possible, can you please run the log gathering tool outlined below to help us understand what happened during your process that made this not work properly? Thanks!

  1. Download and run the Malwarebytes Support Tool
  2. Accept the EULA and click Advanced Options
  3. Choose Gather Logs, and once it's done, upload the zip file it creates on your desktop (mbst-grab-results.zip)

Lastly, if you want to disable this upgrade notification popup, instructions for that can be found here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-2142

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