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Web protection won't turn on

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So my MB has been doing this for a while. All of the above steps work, but only for a day or so and it's a real inconvenience to do a fresh install of MB every other day.

So far tried;
- PC re-image
- Reinstall MB (and use the fresh install/ clean tool)
- Delete web protection driver etc.
- Force close MB in Task Manager and right clicking on the task tray icon.

None of it has solved the issue fully. I assume it's just a bug in the programming since a fresh install of Windows 10 hasn't solved it.

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On 02/02/2018 at 3:38 PM, vbarytskyy said:

Hello @Luke4efc

I moved your comment into its own topic so we can track issues separately. 

Could you get us some logs to look into? See link below for help with getting logs.


Been away over the weekend and only got back to my PC. Still doing it though and attached the log zip file




Edited by Luke4efc
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I am seeing some issues with config files getting loaded properly. Could you do a full reinstall using MB-Clean and turn on debug logging for us. Once the issue is shows up again, re-run MB-Check and upload logs one more time. Debug logs will have a little more information for us to look over.

  1. Run MB-Clean from here
  2. Once reinstalled, turn on debug logging:
    1. Open Malwarebytes and go to Settings
    2. Under Application tab, scroll down to "Event Log Data"
    3. Toggle on
  3. Once the issue is replicated again, run MB-Check (may take a day or two based on description of the problem)
  4. Re-upload logs
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I've just read the forum and pretty much every thread is this problem. Good job I bought one of those lifetime licences ages ago and not paying yearly as I would've just given up and cancelled it.

First MB took up all my memory made me force restart my PC until a refreshed update was released (which didn't work anyway), it now only half works anyway as web protection doesn't work.

I would've thought by now people over at MB would at least acknowledge there's a problem in their software and not the dozens of people suddenly posting on the forum that web protection doesn't turn on.

Time to move over to Emsisoft me thinks.

Edited by Luke4efc
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