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How to uninstall Endpoint Agent Installer from Macs


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You can remove the agent by going to the portal -> Endpoints, check the box for the Mac endpoint and selecting "Delete".

You can also remove it manually thrashing these pieces, then restarting:
/Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes

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  • 2 years later...
On 5/23/2022 at 9:44 PM, Leeagm said:

I have 2 others that keep coming back 



as soon as I delete , and i go back into the folder they reappear.

I had the same issue on MacOS...

First, I did this:

1. deleted everything in /Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes

2. deleted everything with 'malwarebytes' in the filename at /Library/LaunchDaemons

3. deleted everything with 'malwarebytes' in the filename at /Library/LaunchAgents

But, I kept seeing those files return and the MalwareBytes app icon running in the taskbar. I had used activity monitor to kill anything with MalwareBytes in the name and the taskbar app kept re-appearing.

I was finally able to delete everything using one or both of the steps below (not sure of exact order or whether these were all actually needed... wasn't paying close attention... just trying ideas from ChatGPT and something worked):

1. Running sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.malwarebytes.ncep.settings.daemon.plist

2. Running ps aux | grep Malwarebytes , then for any process ID returned, running sudo kill -9 <the_process_id>

After that, I was able to delete all files without anything returning or continuing to run.

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