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consumes a lot of energy

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Thanks for the feedback, do you have any screenshot from consumed battery. If we can see how much percentage we consume, it might give us more information, what can be wrong.

However, pro-active protection consumes battery to some extent especially, if user downloads many things.

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I do not have a screenshot (I never use Android because it's my dad and I'm not very practical but I can give you some data); I can tell you that it is the only system app that is considered high energy consumption, consuming 2.60% of the battery against a 9.78% of the Android system on a total of 38% of the software consumption and a 62 % consumed by smartphone hardware
Consumption is 74.95 mAh for MalwareBytes compared to Android OS that consumes 215.55 mAh. As a comparison I can tell you that Gmail consumes 36.54 mAh
Thank you

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