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Should the license key be updated

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Do we need or is there a benefit to applying the new year's license key?

The instructions to update are only for new installs rather than an annual update.  The license key is different but the MBAE app says the next renewal is one year from today so it sems to be running fine with last year's license.

Normally, I would apply the new license but on all three installs have given me a hard time lately including, but not limited to, being forced to using the MB clean install to update and even then it gave me problems for a while.  So, I'm nervous about touching anything at this time.


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I did fail to provide the basic information....


Malwarebytes Premium is currently installed and set to expire in 365 days.  The renewed subscription email stated, "Your Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit Premium subscription has been renewed." and I failed to notice the change of applications.

I will research how to cleanly uninstall MB in order to install Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit.

Thank you

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Malwarebytes Premium does have the Anti Exploit premium inside it.

You don't have to have Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit premium.

Lets do one thing. Just to be sure can you please follow the forum post and send me the logs.

If everything looks ok you should be able to request a refund for your MBAE product.

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Thanks for your help.  First, no refund will be requested as this is my subscription anniversary date so the charge is normal and expected.

The "new version" was named "mb3-setup-cb.NT-".  That matches what I have so they are simply using two names for the same application.

I don't know if you know that Farbar SEEMS to attempt to change firewall settings.  This attempt was blocked by Emsisoft Anti-Malware.  (It might be that access allows only update and not read-only so nothing nefarious was going on.  Here is the brief report.
10/31/2017 8:38:25 AM
Behavior Blocker detected suspicious behavior "FirewallModification" of "D:\Jim\dlSoftware\New folder\FRST64.exe"

No need to waste your time but if you have any suggestions on the following, let me know.  Additions.txt reports system restore is disabled yet Windows reports it is not disabled and a restore point did exist.  Now I'm getting nervous, it reported GoToMeeting was installed on 10/27, the date of the only system restore.  I did not install it and it has been uninstalled.  There are many System & CodeIntegrity errors and am wondering if I need to grab another HDD and start from scratch.

You didn't ask for some of this information but here it is.
◦ How did you encountered the issue and any steps to reproduce it
  Malwarebytes tries to update upon reboot.  When it reports it is not up-to-date "Check for Updates" is clicked which repeatedly fails.
◦ Do you get the same result more than once if you follow the same steps? Y/N
  Yes.  Two days ago, the MB clean install app was downloaded and run.  Same issue today.
◦ Any screenshot(s) of error messages(s) or other incorrect behavior
  Posted yesterday

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Update.  The third paragraph, Firewall rules is explained in an Emsisoft forum which states:

Post:  EAM pops up an alert when FRST is reading (at least I hope that's all it was doing) the defined WF firewall rules. 

Response:   There is no read-only access. The same COM object allows for both reading and writing.



BTW, the requested files were sent along witha link to this thread.

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