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MWB causing crash?

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Running MWB; Comp pkg version 1.0.212; Update pkg version 1.0.3119  on Win 7 Pro

Updated today after a week offline and ran a scan.  Computer crashed with blue screen.  Restarted, started Windows normally,  ran manual scan, blue screen crash again.  The only line I could pick up from screen is KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR.  Couldn't get addresses.  As advised on blue screen, checked for recently installed programs.  Discovered that McAfee WebSecurity had installed after my previous scan and before today's.  (I have a limited McAfee subscription and have excluded MWB files from McAfee scans and vice versa, but this was before McAfee web Prot installed itself.  [Yes, I must have done it inadvertently; but you know what I mean!]) 

Uninstalled McAfee product.  Ran MWB manual full scan OK... EXCEPT that I am unable to turn on Web Protection on Settings>Protection screen.  It reads "Starting..."  but when I close MWB and reopen, this switch is off and MWB warns me that I am not fully protected.  See attached doc. 

I do need this web protection!! 

web prot starting.docx

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11 minutes ago, muesik said:

I am unable to turn on Web Protection

Let us get a clean install of the current version.

We have another tool called MB-Clean which will automate the whole process for you.

 Tool can be found at https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean

1. After downloading the tool run the tool.

2. The tool will automatically clean up the older possibly damaged installation and will ask you for a restart.

3. Restart your system and then the MB-Clean tool will prompt you to re-install the latest product .

4. Click on "Yes" to reinstall MB 3.×.

5. Now you will have the latest product installed. If it does not offer the new install after the reboot you can download and install from here. 



Please let me know if you are still seeing issues after the latest product install.


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