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Old Version Installing?


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So per the recommended practice of uninstalling/reinstalling the endpoints, I notice when I reinstall the endpoint that it installs version and not the current version


I downloaded a fresh installer from the cloud, is the cloud still pushing out the old version and we are hoping that it updates to the newest version after being installed? To avoid the hoping the old software works routine, could we get the cloud to have access to the newest version of the software?

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The installer may have a slightly older version which should then try and update itself once checked back in.

Can you please double check this has not yet upgraded. As well let me know the hostname (PM me) I can pull some logs and see if there is any issue getting that update.

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Somethings up, last two machines I re-installed both installed v213 or updated so quick I couldn't see it at an older version.


I'll update again after another few computers.


EDIT: Forgot I had issues an update command to all endpoints yesterday, so when this one came online the first thing it did was update. Since the update command is still pending for the rest of the workstations I have to reinstall I imagine once they come online the first thing they will do is update.

Edited by IT_Guy
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