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AdwCleaner ''unhandled unknown exception error"


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 We are aware of this issue on some machines and apologize for the inconvenience.  This error is resolved in the upcoming version 7.1  which is currently under development.

Until that version is released, for those of you experiencing this issue, please do the following:

  1.  Run a scan with Malwarebytes. It will detect and remove any active infection.

  2.  Please follow the instructions here for downloading and running FRST https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/9573-im-infected-what-do-i-do-now/

  3.  Start a new topic in our Malware Removal for Windows section https://forums.malwarebytes.com/forum/7-malware-removal-for-windows/ and post the logs from the FRST tool

  4.  Also include the AdwCleaner log that can be found at C:\AdwCleaner\AdwCleanerS[n].txt. The 'n' represents the number of the scan.

Once posted, a Malware Removal Helper will go over your logs as soon as possible and provide further instruction.



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