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urgent chrome removal

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Hello JWarner and :welcome:

My screen name is Android8888 but if you wish you can call me Rui which is my real name. I will be helping you with your malware issues. Please ask questions if anything is unclear.

I suggest printing out each set of instructions or copy them to a Notepad file and reading the entire post before proceeding. It will make following them easier.

Read all of my instructions very carefully because any mistake you can make during the cleaning process may have serious consequences such as leaving the computer unbootable.

Please DO NOT run any tools on your own or make any other changes to your computer and follow the directions in the order listed during the malware removal process, otherwise you can worsen the situation rather than solve it.

Make sure to run all tools from the computer's Desktop and with Administrator privileges (i.e. right-click the tool icon and select Run as administrator).

Please run one scan at a time.

Once started the malware removal process has to be completed. Even if your computer appears to be running better after performing a first set of instructions, it may still be infected as some infections are difficult to remove and can leave remnants on the System. Please consider it clean and safe only when I declare it free of malware.

With that being said let's start.


Follow the instructions below to execute a fix on your system using FRST, and provide the log in your next reply.

  • Download the attached fixlist.txt file, and save it on your Desktop (or wherever your FRST64.exe executable is located); DO NOT open or modify that file!
  • Right-click on the FRST64 executable and select Spcusrh.pngRun as Administrator;
  • Click on the Fix button;
    Credits: Aura
  • On completion, a message will come up saying that the fix has been completed and it'll open a log in Notepad;
  • Please attach the fixlog.txt in your next reply;


  • Download Junkware Removal Tool (JRT) and move it to your Desktop;
  • Right-click on JRT.exe and select Spcusrh.pngRun as Administrator;
  • Press on any key to launch the scan and let it complete;
    Credits: Bleeping Computer and Aura
  • Once the scan is complete, a log will open. Please attach that log in your next reply;


  • Download AdwCleaner and move it to your Desktop;
  • Right-click on AdwCleaner.exe and select Spcusrh.pngRun as Administrator;
  • Accept the EULA (I accept), let the database update, then click on Scan;
  • Let the scan complete. Once it's done, make sure that every item listed in the different tabs is checked and click on the Cleaning button. This will kill all the active processes;
    Credits: Aura
  • Once the cleaning process is complete, AdwCleaner will ask to restart your computer, do it;
  • After the restart, a log will open when logging in. Please attach that log in your next reply;


Please scan your computer with ESET Online Scanner.

  • Click on this link to open ESET Online Scanner in a new window.
    1. Click on the Scan Now button to download the esetonlinescanner_enu.exe file. Save it to your Desktop.
    2. Close all your programs and browsers and disconnect any USB flash drives from the computer.
    3. Please disable your antivirus program to avoid potential conflicts, improve the performance and speed up the scan.
    4. Double click on esetonlinescanner_enu.exe to start ESET Online Scanner. It will open a window with the Terms of Use.

  • Check mark Download latest version of ESET Online Scanner and click the Accept button.
  • Click Yes to accept any security warnings that may appear.
  • Under Computer scan settings, check mark Enable detection of potentially unwanted applications.
  • Then click Advanced settings and check mark the following options:
    • Enable detection of potentially unsafe applications
    • Clean threats automatically
  • Click the Scan button.
  • ESET will then download updates for itself, install itself, and begin scanning your computer. Please be patient as this can take some time.
  • When the scan completes, click List Threats.
  • Click Export, and save the file to your Desktop using a unique name, such as ESETScan. Include the contents of this report in your next reply.
  • Click the Back button.
  • Click the Finish button.

Note: If nothing is found, it will not produce a log.

Please re-enable your antivirus program.

In your next reply please attach the following logs:
The fixlog.txt;
The JRT.txt log;
The AdwCleaner clean log;
ESET log (if it produced one).

How is the computer running at this point? What issues or concerns are you still having with the computer?

Thank you.



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Hi Rui. I printed out the instructions above while at work and came home to do them. Unknown to me, my husband went to a website re: the Urgent Chrome Update virus and saw advice to use AdwCleaner, which he downloaded and used. I see it's part of your instructions. As you warned that deviating from your instructions can mean my computer will launch nuclear missiles (that's what the warning felt like), I'm concerned! I'm attaching the AdwCleaner log my husband got before I do anything. Please advise me on how to proceed. Regarding our computer, we're not having any problems whatsoever. We've each received the 'Urgent Chrome Update' pop-up but did not click through or anything. Are we only in danger if we click on it? I've also disabled pop-ups on my computer. Anyway, please tell me what I'm do do: is the virus gone or do I need to still follow your instructions -- and is it safe to do, given that my husband acted on his own and downloaded and ran AdwCleaner?

Regards, JWarner


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Hello JWarner.


3 hours ago, JWarner said:

Are we only in danger if we click on it?

Well, I can't assure you that.


3 hours ago, JWarner said:

Unknown to me, my husband went to a website re: the Urgent Chrome Update virus and saw advice to use AdwCleaner, which he downloaded and used.

That's okay. Now skip AdwCleaner and perform all the other scans that I asked you in the order listed and post the requested logs.


Thank you.


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Hi JWarner,

1 hour ago, JWarner said:

No threats were found  at the end, so i don't have an ESET log to provide

This means that your computer appears to be clean and free of malware.

However, you just attached the fixlist.txt file and did not ran the fix with the Farbar Recovery Scan Tool. You need to run that fix to clean up some orphaned entries.


Please download the fixlist.txt file attached in my first post and save it to C:\Users\Amiinsane\Downloads (in the same place where FRST64.exe is located) --- NOTE: Do not change the name (fixlist.txt) of that file or the fix will not work.

Now right-click on the FRST64 executable and select Run as Administrator to open the tool;
Click on the Fix button;
On completion, a message will come up saying that the fix has been completed and it'll open a log in Notepad with the name fixlog.txt;
Please attach the fixlog.txt in your next reply;


In your next reply please let me know:

  1. How is the computer running at this point.
  2. If you are still receiving the 'Urgent Chrome Update' popup.
  3. What issues or concerns do you still have with this computer?


Thank you.


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Hi Rui. I couldn't figure out how to save the attached fixlog.txt to download -- or anywhere else, for that matter. I downloaded it, but wasn't given an option to save it anywhere. How do I do that?

CORRECTION: I see it automatically went into downloads. 




Edited by JWarner
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Click on the fixlist.txt attached file in my first post;

A new window will open;

Select 'Save file' and click the OK button;

Next, select the path where to save the fixlist.txt file, it should be the in the same place where FRST64 is located which in your case is C:\Users\Amiinsane\Downloads

Now right-click on the FRST64 executable and select Run as Administrator to open the tool;
Click on the Fix button;
On completion, a message will come up saying that the fix has been completed and it'll open a log in Notepad with the name fixlog.txt;
Please attach the fixlog.txt in your next reply.

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Okay, check if you have the fixlist.txt file saved in the Downloads folder (the same place where FRST64 is located). It must have the name fixlist.txt without the number and the brackets.

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Yes, delete all the others fixlist(n).txt files and just keep the fixlist.txt file.

Then open FRST64 and click the Fix button and wait.

It will be created a new file named fixlog.txt.

Please attach it for my review.

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Okay JWarner,

Thank you for the log. The fix went well.

Now let's see what security programs need to be updated.

Please download Security Analysis by Rocket Grannie from here

  • Save it to your Desktop.
  • Close your security software to avoid potential conflicts.
  • Double click RGSA.exe
  • Click OK on the copyright-disclaimer
  • When finished, a Notepad window will open with the results of the scan.
  • The log named SALog.txt can also be found on the Desktop or in the same folder from where the tool is run if installed elsewhere.
  • Please copy and paste the contents of that log in this topic.

Note: If you get a Warning from Windows about running the program, click on More info and then click Run Anyway to run it even though Windows says it might put your PC at risk.

In your next reply please post (copy/paste) the entire contents of SALog.txt and let me know:

  1. How is the computer running at this point.
  2. If you are still receiving the 'Urgent Chrome Update' popup.
  3. What issues or concerns do you still have with this computer?

Thank you.


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