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Possible infection?


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Well, recently I had went to go open google docs and, having cleared my history recently, mistyped and didn't put an "l" in google. I type fast so I usually make mistakes like these and correct them quickly enough, but my usual instinct is to automatically press "enter." So I did.

Just as I realized I had mistyped it I quickly closed the page, with the paranoia of possibly have gotten hit with a drive by attack or something else. Didn't think too much of it so just kept using my PC as normal (browsing internet, doing homework, watching videos.)

I heard my hard drive whirring and just thought, "Oh, some program is updating again, whatever." After a while of whirring, I decided to check Task Manager. I saw the Shadow Volume Copy or whatever service going, and didn't think much of it, assuming it was making shadow copies of my files or whatever.

I closed Task Manager and moved on, using my computer as usual. I reopened it a few minutes later to see the shadow copy service still using lots of disk, and then saw some service named along the lines of "Microsoft Malicious Service Prevention" or something related to the built in windows AV.

Don't know if it's just my paranoia of getting hit with ransomware (even though I browse very safely, downloading from reputable sites like media fire and avoiding adflys and link shorteners, and I have uBlock Origin too. The two services may not even be linked, but I'm just really scared now that I've been hit with ransomware. I'm scared to turn my PC back on for the fear that if I do have ransomware, it may have created a startup entry and will continue to work once it's back on, so I can't download any tools like FRST to see if I've been hit and get assistance. What is the next step from here?


(Also, I do have access to other systems. Would the logical option be to install Linux onto a flash drive and boot to there to see if any things with my main system are wrong?)

Edited by Rizinq
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