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Support staff not answering my overcharge query

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Hi byteback :)

For that query, you'll need to contact Cleverbridge (Malwarebytes' eCommerce partner) directly. You'll need to contact their Support at this link:


Cleverbridge will handle everything related to:

  • Renewals
  • Refunds (includes double billing)
  • Cancellations
  • Update Billing Info
  • Multiple Transactions
  • Consumer Purchases
  • Transaction Receipt

Hopefully that'll help you.

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23 minutes ago, byteback said:

What do I have to do to get an answer?

Sorry to hear that you were double billed.

Please contact our eCommerce partner Cleverbridge here: https://support.cleverbridge.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=18434 

Can also reach by phone,


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Porthos said: That can take several days and the response might have ended in spam/junk folder if received. 

Yes, I'd thought that a reply might be have been sidelined to a spam or trash folder, but there was nothing on my pc or on the server.

Anyway, I'll contact Cleverbridge and see why the situation hasn't been cleverly handled.

I wonder how many Malwarebytes customers never check their CC bills in detail, saying to their wives or their accountant, in ignorance of the actual charge,  'Oh yeah, that's Malwarebytes, you can pay that.'

When the actual amount debited to their CC was actually in excess of what was owing. :huh:

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