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Unable to connect the service

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I get the following error message after i’ve installed the new version of Malwarebytes 3. “unable to connect the service.”

 I’ve already seen the posts of other users who experienced similar problems. I followed the instructions on those links that is I reinstalled Malwarebytes. And it did work. But after a while it started again showing the same error message.

I don’t know what should I do now?  I have a windows 10 pc

Edited by Maurice Naggar
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:welcome: Pesto,

I am understanding that you see a message-box-window "Unable to start / unable to connect".

You say you did do a second setup run.

Advise us please, has this pc ever had any other Malwarebytes app ?  ( like anti-exploit ).

Also, what is the brand name of the antivirus on this pc ?

also, we need diagnostic readout reports.

Please close all open work programs and save your work.  Let's please have all open user programs closed so that you see a cleared up view to the Desktop.
Please download our diagnostic tool, MB-Check to your Desktop from this link
Double-click it to run it.  After the tool has finished, you will see a message appear telling you to locate the zipped log files.
A zip file named mb-check-results.zip will be saved to your Desktop.
Please attach this file to your next reply.


Edited by Maurice Naggar
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Yes my Pc had the previous version of malwarebytes. When I run it, it said there is an update. But before I run the update I uninstalled the old version of malwarebytes. Then I run the update and the new version N.3 was installed. But I couldn’t run it. When I tried to, the error message appeared on the screen. I saw the other posts and I followed the instructions. I installed it again from the link provided. And it did work. The main window appeared on the screen and i did a scan. It found no threats I mean viruses or spyware. After a while I turned off my computer. When I turned it on the error message appeared again.

My pc is protected by F-Secure.

I have attached the zip file you requested.


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Thanks for letting us know that the pc has F-Secure antivirus.  This program needs particular adjustment because it is the source of the unfortunate friction.

These tweaks ( adjustments ) in F-Secure need to be made in order for all to co-exist better.
Some antivirus applications require exclusions to be defined for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, so that they do not interfere with Malwarebytes operation and vice versa.  These are typically referred to as exclusions or ignore list entries. The following is a list of Malwarebytes programs which should be placed on an Exclusion list if required.
This list is specific to Malwarebytes  3.x.
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\assistant.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\mbam.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\mbampt.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\mbamservice.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\mbamtray.exe
C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Anti-malware\mbamwsc.exe
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mbae64.sys         (64-bit only)
For specific steps on how to add these files to Computer Security by F-Secure please refer to the following link
I would also like you to do the following to F-Secure:
# On the main page, click Settings.
# Select Computer > DeepGuard .
# Select Turn on DeepGuard.
# Check the box that reads Use the compatibility mode (lowers security).
# Click OK.
Edited by celee
fixed the broken f-secure url
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Maurice Naggar

Thank you for your help. I followed the instructions and the program does work now! Obviously it was the F-Secure security software that caused the problem. I will run it again tomorrow and see if it works properly.  A last question. You asked me to Check the box that reads Use the compatibility mode (In F-Secure). I’ve done that but I’m worried because it says it lowers security. Why should I lower the security of the program? Would that interfere with the Malwarebytes if I left it unchecked?

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14 minutes ago, pesto said:

You asked me to Check the box that reads Use the compatibility mode (In F-Secure). I’ve done that but I’m worried because it says it lowers security.

@pesto You should NOT check that box.That is outdated instruction. Follow the post I linked to from MB staffer dcollins. The only change I suggest is in the exclusion folder. There is no need for all other exclusions. A reboot may be necessary.

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I followed your instructions. I unchecked the box “Use the compatibility mode” as you say. And I included only one exclusion the subfolder “Anti-malware”. In other words F-Secure won't scan anything that is contained in the "Anti-malware" subfolder.  So I removed the other exclusions that is C:/windows/system32....  as said by Maurice Naggar. It works fine so far. I hope that is the correct thing to do.

I appreciate your help.

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