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I am using Ethereum on my computer, and Malwarebytes is blocking its IPs even though they are clearly non-malicious. 

I think this is a false positive, and thousands of people are using Ethereum to make their own tokens / smart contracts all of the time. I added it as an exclusion to the whole folder, and it still blocks the IP. It may have hindered my syncing process for the blockchain, since that's when the IP block shown up from Malwarebytes. 

So if you can fix this. I will think of Malwarebytes as an Cryptocurrency friendly anti-malware program. I think it already is. 

Thank you,


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Same issue as well with MEW, Mist, Parity and every other application that connects to a peer network. I have tried exclusion rules for ports and apps that connect to the internet it still blocks peers. I am at the point where I am considering finding another antivirus / malware tool. Just now worth the hassle of adding ip address exclusions for every peer you connect to in order to use you wallet or block chain app.

The user interface is poorly designed, it forces you save the reports in order to see what port or app was blocked.

Get it together Malwarebytes or I will be using somebody else's antivirus or anti-malware software suite. I have been a paying customer for the past 3 years but I had enough of these nonsense.

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I saw some blocking on parity. Is this why I couldn't get to buy anything (I thought it was the blockchain congestion?). Anyway, I turned off malwarebytes for now. Would gladly give logs or info it it helps to whitelist them. Can you keep us updated on your evaluation?

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