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I was hoping someone would tell me what I have to do in order to unlock the ability to edit my own profile? I read on another post that it's to restrict bots and spammers from polluting the forums. As already stated, this is problematic for legitimate users like myself who just created a profile and want to personalize it. Any help with this? Thanks.

Also, I don't know if this is where this post goes, so if this is in the incorrect location on the forums, I'd like to know where it does belong so I don't make the same mistake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just hope that posting 50 topics or questions is worth, can help all MB users who bought personal and business licenses and my "personal opinion" only, sensibly not a huge factor in editing a profile. Anyways, that's the rule. :( Maybe there is a good reason why :rolleyes:

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37 minutes ago, Piper said:

Maybe there is a good reason why :rolleyes:

The main reason why is that spam bots would automatically create an account and then add spam links to the profiles, so this rule helps with keeping those down to a minimum amongst other reasons...

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