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Hi there,

I need help with problem that I'm facing right where I believe my PC was infected with some malware.. At first, I thought my Microsoft Security Essential had removed them at the first time scan and I removed them already.. after that, I restarted my PC..and the virus is still there.. It just stopped when I opened my Task Manager.

I tried look at various sites and one of them said to identify it through registry editor (Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Run), but it is not there.. now I'm trying second round scanning with Essential..but I think that would not be enough.. could someone help me?

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  • Root Admin

Hello @deWoo and :welcome:

Please open Malwarebytes and run a Threat Scan and then post back that log. Also let me get the logs show below

I would suggest following the advice from the topic here Available Assistance for Possibly Infected Computers and post back those logs as an attachment.

Thank you



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  • Root Admin

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