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MalwareBytes fighting with ReImage

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One of these programmes will have to go. I use ReImage a lot to replace files I have messed up but MalwareBytes makes it so difficult to run ReImage constantly quarantining ReImage files and sometimes even deleting the original installation file. I have tried all types of ReImage exclusions but nothing works. Does anyone have the answer to this?

Edited by Lysdexic
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Hello @Lysdexic and :welcome:

Thank you for reporting the system's issue.  The Malwarebytes' staffers/helpers must have good log data for a quality fault analysis to begin.

1) Please follow the steps within the locked/pinned topic at Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps

2) In your next reply to this topic, please only attach the three (3) files separately that are developed above: mb-check-results.zip, FRST.txt, and Addition.txt.

If that Relmage version and installation lack malware, then staffers should be able to resolve the issue  Thank you again.

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ReImage is classified as a PUP. Generally the best solution here is to run a threat scan of your computer. Once the scan completes and all the ReImage files are identified, uncheck all of them (you can use the checkbox at the top of the column) and then click next. This should give you a popup asking what you want to do with those files, choose Ignore Always. This should stop ReImage from being detected

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In this instance, the dialalogue box only allows you to either keep the issues in quarntine or delete them, there is no choice to always ignore.  I use Reimage as well and it is a good program if you know what you're doing, I am also growing tired of having to reinstall Reimage.  Please do something baout this issue.

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