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Dear SIr or Ma'am, I have been getting many reports about sync-eu.exe.bid being blocked. I have read your forums and it looks like the domain is being blocked which is fine but the announcements keep popping up. I have run malwarebytes and generated a report. I have run farbar and generated and attached reports.  Please let me know what else I need to do.



S/F Mike



Malwarebytes scan report 16 May 2017.txt

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Hi mikefoley :)

You're right, these notifications are caused by Malwarebytes' block on the .bid gTLD. Adding this website to your exclusion list will make them stop. For more information, please read the posts below.


Thank you.


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My guess is that this domain is used for analytics, advertising, etc. so a lot of websites probably use it, hence why you're getting the notification so often. I would also really like to know for what this domain is used specifically. I'll see if I can dig up any information on it.

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