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Before submitting a possible FP, please be sure that you have -


1. Checked the list of blocked gTLDs (Generic top-level domains (gTLDs) are one of the categories of top-level domains (TLDs) maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for use in the Domain Name System of the Internet. These gTLDs are blocked because the ratio of bad to good domains may be higher than average, indicating that the registry could do a better job of enforcing policies and shunning abusers.)

Currently we are blocking the following gTLDs -




2. Used the search function on the forum


Please be sure that the domain/IP that you want to submit is not already submitted by another member.


3. Gathered protection logs/screenshots and attach them with your message

How to get protection logs in Malwarebytes 4:


Press the image.png.5e35b37af895ecfd4faee72a2d2d4934.png button


Click Reports: image.png.17cb8ee033c439013aa2be1017cbec70.png



The logs are stored here. Save / export the log that contains the detections you would like to have us review. You can either save it or copy it to clipboard and paste it in a new topic HERE



If the gTLD/domain/IP is blocked and you still want to access it, you can add it to the Malwarebytes exclusions list -

Malwarebytes 4




Malwarebytes 3






If you still want to submit the FP, please create a new thread and provide the domain/IP with your protection logs (please open 'MBAM', go to 'History' and attach the log where the detection is recorded). For more information about the protection logs, please see this link.

Thanks to everyone who follows these instructions! :)

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  • Root Admin

If you are not a member of Staff, Experts, or the Trusted Advisor groups, please do not reply to other user posts in either the False  -> FileWeb Blocking, Ransomware, Exploit forums.

Posts from unauthorized members will be deleted


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