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Failing to install Malwarebytes

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Over the last couple of days I've had PC startup issues and had to uninstall some software including Malwarebytes and now everything is fixed. I've reinstalled all other software other than Malwarebytes which has failed me 4 times now. It continually gives an error message titled "Unable to start" which also says "Unable to connect to the service" (see screenshot)

I've rebooted my pc several times and reinstalled MB over and over with the exact same error popup everytime. What can I do to fix this?

running on Windows 10



Screenshot 2017-04-20 12.30.26.png

Edited by reMark
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It's now fixed and working.

I've been using the latest release of MB so I uninstalled it and then installed an older version ( which I had in a local backup. Then I did an update from there which took it to v2.2.1.1043. which is not the one on the MB front page for download... huh!? which I thought was the latest stable release. It's version which I think is a beta release. Grrrr!! this has wasted so much of my time. Why are is there a beta releases on the front page for download !? This gave me so much grief! <_<

A now happy 'Premium lifetime license' user. :lol:

Screenshot 2017-04-20 13.42.06.png

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Currently Chameleon when used as a standalone tool for installing Malwarebytes on infected systems in incompatible with our latest version which is 3.0 (it's no longer in beta and we've actually released several RTM builds of 3.0 now, including several point releases and patches) so it still downloads the older 2.x build.  That said, 3.0 does include the same self-protection capabilities in 2.x which utilize the Chameleon driver, it just doesn't include the renaming scheme used for dealing with older rogue malware (no longer found in the wild at this time as pretty much everything is ransomware and exploits at the moment) that the Chameleon standalone build uses.

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