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Today i run Malwarebytes Antimalware like i normally do and i it scared the .... out of me when it found 103 threats. I looked at them and they were all .tmp file inside Nortons folders. They were named like 000003200 etc.. random numbers and MWB said that they all had/infected with Trojan.Agent.ENM. I removed them and then i ran all norton's scans and nothing found. I contacted Norton support and they just said that you should not run multiple AVs at the same time and that everything is all right. But shouldnt norton and MWB run well together? Later i ran the scan again and it found few new infections (.tmp files) in different places. My steam and glasswire folders. Could it just be some random conflict or false positive?

103 detected.txt

4 detected.txt

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Hi kemal :)

This looks like a false positive to me. I remember back then Malwarebytes used to detect files on Norton's folder, but Norton was intentionnally creating these. For what purpose? We don't know. What I would do is add Norton folders to Malwarebytes' exclusion list, and it should prevent it from detecting files in Norton's folder in the future.

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Thanks. but I think im going to just reinstall everything. I had fatal virusinvasion few years back and i think that they may be back. I did reinstall back then but i think i did it wrong and i also used my old external hardrive that may be infected so maybe they came back. Even if this was false and i have never found anything else, I just want to be 100% sure about everything so i can relax :) I dont have much to lose. Shouldnt windows reinstall from cd remove all viruses?

Sorry for bad english :)



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