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Malwarebytes 3.0.6 stealing focus.

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I received the update from 2.x to 3.0.6 a few days ago and it appears there was a change to how Windows 10 notifications are handled, for the worse.

I have MWBAM running a scan every 4 hours, because why not. They're super fast, but now every time a scan completes if I'm playing a game the notification steals focus from the game I am playing, if I am using a controller then I am royally screwed as I need to click my mouse to bring my game back. This is infuriating when playing first person shooters or Rocket League.


I like MWBAM 2.x where the notification would appear, but wouldn't steal focus.

Ideally I would prefer it if you could customise what notifications you want to see, if a scan completes - with no thread then don't show a notification, but if a scan completes with a threat then I do want to see the notification.


Does anyone have a solution to the focus stealing without completely disabling all notifications?

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I would suggest not scanning so often, at the very least schedule your scans when your not using the computer, like 4 AM. Also, you do not need to scan every 4 hours, thats overkill. I assume your using the paid version of MBAM, if so, it has real time protection so if you catch something you will be notified immediately, scanning so often won't change this. I scan about twice a month, haven't been infected for years.

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6 minutes ago, digmorcrusher said:

I would suggest not scanning so often, at the very least schedule your scans when your not using the computer, like 4 AM. Also, you do not need to scan every 4 hours, thats overkill. I assume your using the paid version of MBAM, if so, it has real time protection so if you catch something you will be notified immediately, scanning so often won't change this. I scan about twice a month, haven't been infected for years.

That's a fair point actually, I mainly had it so frequently so it scanned regularly after database updates.

That's in the event something ever ended up being on my computer before it was in Malwarebytes definition database.

Edited by Nate-Dogg
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12 minutes ago, dcollins said:

This is something that was recently identified (the focus stealing) and we are having discussion on how we want to handle this. At this time, the only workaround is to have your scans run at times when you wouldn't normally have a full screen window open.

Thanks for the reply, dbcollins. I'm glad to hear it has been identified (hopefully as an issue), all I can do now is hope that it's resolved swiftly. :)

Unfortunately I must live fast as loose with how/when I play games as I can't state a specific time, I guess I'll either do one in the morning and hope Malwarebytes notices a scan was missed and retries, or as @digmorcrusher has done and just complete a scan once/twice a month since I have real-time protection enabled.

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@dcollins I see someone else has made a thread about this and you replied saying it was actually intended but are taking feedback on the issue.

(My apologies for not using search, I just scrolled threw a few pages looking at topic titles for "stealing and/or focus" - I'm now going to follow the other thread too)


Feedback: If a scan completes without a fault then the notification doesn't need to be forced onto the users screen. It should only be forced if the scan finds a threat.

I would have suggested a check if the user is currently in full screen, but then I play several games in borderless windows which would only have the same problem. :(

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