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Every time I start the computer there is a banner in the middle of the screen telling me there is a new version and asks if I want to install it now.

No, I don't want to install it until you work the bugs out of it. 3.x slows my computer down too much.

3.x is like the old system hogging Norton...

I even unchecked it to check for new program versions in the settings.

Stop doing this.


new mal.jpg

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If you want to stay on MBAM2, you will need to turn off application updates under Settings inside of Malwarebytes. You will also need to quit Malwarebytes entirely (right click the system tray icon, choose Quit Malwarebytes). Then go to C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\ and delete the mbam-setup file in this folder.

Now when you restart, the prompt should go away

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3 hours ago, RamBurner said:

3.x is like the old system hogging Norton...


And by the way, I did the same thing as what Porthos instructed but upon doing that, MalwareBytes now complains of the system "not fully protected" and when trying to click on the "Fix Now" button, nothing happens.

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