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Real-Time Detections.

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Looking at the Dashboard and it shows at the bottom - Real-Time detections 63.

Is there a log somewhere? I look under Reports but it just lists Scan results.

Update: I used the iptest from MB and when it blocks the site it increments the count by 6.

Jim :ph34r:

Edited by Phone Man
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2 hours ago, pondus said:

Not much help on what it found.

Protection History

This panel shows three key statistics. It shows how many items were scanned, how many threats were detected during scans, and how many threats were detected by real-time protection. Please note that the number of items scanned includes individual files that are part of archive files, as well as components in dynamic link library (DLL) files. Also note that real-time detections can only occur in Premium and Trial modes.

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Thanks Devin, They did show up on the iptest I did yesterday so I guess its working now.

Its weird as each iptest shows one report but the Dashboard adds 3.

Is there a way to clear the count on the Dashboard. I cleared the reports but it has no affect on the Dashboard count.

Jim :ph34r:

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4 hours ago, Phone Man said:

... Is there a way to clear the count on the Dashboard. I cleared the reports but it has no affect on the Dashboard count.

Good question ! I think this (useful) "reset" feature isn't implemented yet (the only actual solution would be a reinstall ... :wacko:).

Hopefully it becomes available in a future release.

Edited by throkr
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