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Strange problem. Hopefully not an issue

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HI i have a concern that I hope an expert might be able to help me with.

was doing a pulp fiction artwork. In google images I searched mia wallace dancing. Clicked the 3rd image in the top row and then this message popped up saying "Malicious website blocked" with the IP address I then clicked the 4th and 5th image in the top row and the same "malicious website" notification popped up with the same IP address. I didn't go to the websites. I only clicked the images which then opens a slightly larger preview in google images.

I can't understand why this is happening. On every machine I have the same popup occurs. 

Could someone google image search

mia wallace dancing

and just click some of the top row images to see if you receive the same message.

Thanks any help would be appreciated

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They may all be hosted on the same server. Click the graphic size to get the size you want and every site hosting that image will appear. You'll usually find one.  Here's another hint...when you click the VIEW IMAGE button to see the larger image, right click on the image itself and save the image. Even though it shows a smaller one than the full size, it does actually save the full size image.  I've gotten a bunch of those.  Just don't go to the website and you'll have no problems.

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Hi gonzo thanks for the advice. So its most likely nothing wrong on my end. What is strange is that some of the images that have the malicious website notification are from pinterest or youtube thumbnails. Would it be possible for you to check if you receive the same notification? I have attached a screenshot of exactly what happens.


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Using your screenshot as a reference, the first one in the second row triggers the same block message for me.  I get a port number as well, but the hostname and IP address are the same.  That message is not uncommon.  It may be blocked because of malicious activity hosted on the IP address or the hostname, and it may also be blocked because there recently was something bad there.  Its hard to tell.  The good things are that most pictures on the internet are readily available from more sources than you can shake a stick at, and there is no indication there's anything wrong on your computer.

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